Remember a time
When all was not fine
And up from the dingy sewers
Came four lousy thieives
Who flourished like trees
Behold The Raconteurs.....
Jack White's side project The Raconteurs will release their album 'Broken Boy Soldiers' in May. They have two songs you can listen to on their site which sound awesome. A limited edition 7" vinyl single will be released in the U.S. 3/7. It appears the already released U.K. edition is selling well on eBay.
Main Entry: ra·con·teur
Pronunciation: "ra-"kän-'t&r, -k&n-
Function: noun
Etymology: French, from Middle French, from raconter to tell, from Old French, from re- + aconter, acompter to tell, count -- more at ACCOUNT
: a person who excels in telling anecdotes
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