After a huge success of Becks latest album Guero he quickly releases a remix album of it called Guerolito. After Midnite Vultures I refused to buy another Beck album until this crappy dance electronic phase of his had passed. Guero ended up to be that album and brought back some sounds from the Odelay days. Guerolito has some horrible flat remixes. There are 2 or 3 remixes that I like on this album. The rest of the songs are just boring and lack any depth to them. I would like to see Beck go back to the old days of Mellow Gold & One Foot In The Grave with a acoustic guitar, beat box and a microphone. Along with the sound of the music whatever happened to the genius lyrics? For example the opening lyrics to loser, "In the time of chimpanzees I was a monkey, butane in my veins so I'm out to cut the junkie, with the plastic eyeballs, spray paint the vegetables, dog food stalls with the beefcake pantyhose". That was the best part of Beck…none of it made sense! My recommendation is to pass on Guerolito and purchase Guero. If you could only buy one Beck album, Mellow Gold would be the winner.
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