Tuesday, February 28, 2006
Monday, February 27, 2006
Beer Olympics Results
It's a sad day for the Irish. We came in last in the 1st ever Beer Olympics brought to you by Rick James (bitch). Kris and I are not very good at the speed drinking. We did however do well in the speed quarters event and Shoots'n'ladders but coming in last in the other 4 events did not help. We should have came in 1st for the Paintball Drink'n'Run shooting event but Rick James decided to create some rules after we finished the event and gave us a 12 sec penalty. We will be back for the next games…and maybe Pete will not have any mysterious trips to "Chicago".
Friday, February 24, 2006
James Blunt - Back To Bedlum

After watching James Blunt's live appearance on SNL my first reaction (and I even said this out loud) was, “This guy sounds like shit”. I naturally ignored buying the album until people (mostly ladies) kept saying that it’s a great album. I asked a friend at work to bring me her copy of ‘Back To Bedlum’ and I ripped it to mp3.
I gave the album a listen and now I know why all the ladies get a tingle in their grundy undies after listening to this album. It’s like David Gray mated with lead singer Adam Levine of Maroon 5 and thus was born James Blunt.
The album ‘Back To Bedlum’ is very strong all the way through. You can listen to every song on this album without being disappointed. A few highlights from the album would be ‘High’, ‘You’re Beautiful’, 'Goodbye My Lover’, & ‘Out Of My Mind’. So I bet you are thinking, “So what is wrong with this album?”, My answer is 2 things. (1) All the songs sound the same and (2) the album only has 10 song for a total of 39 minutes.
I will give this album 4 out of 5 snorks.

James Blunt Bio.
James Blunt’s family have served in one kind of army or another since 995A.D. A long line of warriors. Savages really. Not a musical bone in any one of their bodies. The only music he heard growing up was “Happy Birthday” and “Silent Night”. His father considered all music, even classical, to be unnecessary noise. Although James was not one to rock the family boat, he didn’t really think he was going to join the army – it sort of crept up on him. Plus his family didn’t have a boat. Aged fourteen he just held the teenage conviction that he would have an interesting life. MORE…
Preparing for Lake of the Woods
I was off today from work because I worked last Sunday. I'm starting to get everything together for Lake of the Woods this weekend. First thing I needed was some socks. I ran to Gander Mountain and purchases 2 pairs of SmartWools. This is the first time I have ever purchased SmartWool socks and they better be worth it for $16.99 a pair! I also ran to Wal-Mart (which I hate) and got a few pairs of cotton socks to wear under my SmartWools.
Next I ran (drove) over to the good ole' Apple Valley liquer store to purchase some “sandwiches” for this weekend (sandwich in every beer). I thought about Blatz and Hamms because I didn't want any Premium or Mich Golden Light this year. After staring at the beer selection for a few moments I decided on the Miller High Life Light.
The only other items I need to purchase before this weekend are some lunches and a 06' fishing license. I have all my fishing equipment ready to rock, knifes sharpened & Vexlar battery charged.
Peace out pudding hatch
Next I ran (drove) over to the good ole' Apple Valley liquer store to purchase some “sandwiches” for this weekend (sandwich in every beer). I thought about Blatz and Hamms because I didn't want any Premium or Mich Golden Light this year. After staring at the beer selection for a few moments I decided on the Miller High Life Light.
The only other items I need to purchase before this weekend are some lunches and a 06' fishing license. I have all my fishing equipment ready to rock, knifes sharpened & Vexlar battery charged.
Peace out pudding hatch
Thursday, February 23, 2006
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
The Raconteurs

Remember a time
When all was not fine
And up from the dingy sewers
Came four lousy thieives
Who flourished like trees
Behold The Raconteurs.....
Jack White's side project The Raconteurs will release their album 'Broken Boy Soldiers' in May. They have two songs you can listen to on their site which sound awesome. A limited edition 7" vinyl single will be released in the U.S. 3/7. It appears the already released U.K. edition is selling well on eBay.
Main Entry: ra·con·teur
Pronunciation: "ra-"kän-'t&r, -k&n-
Function: noun
Etymology: French, from Middle French, from raconter to tell, from Old French, from re- + aconter, acompter to tell, count -- more at ACCOUNT
: a person who excels in telling anecdotes
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
Under Blackpool Lights

I am big fan of The White Stripes and I was thinking yesterday that I didn't have enough on my iPod (even though I own all their albums). I have their live DVD Under Blackpool Lights and I thought to myself it would be awesome to listen to the audio of the DVD on MP3 because I didn't want to by the Blackpool Deluxe EP off of iTunes only to get 3 live tracks since there are 26 tracks on the DVD. I sent Pete an e-mail and he told me to talk to Andy R. I went over to Andy's place last night and he was able to turn it into MP3 which by the way sounded great! I think I have listened to the album 3 times today. I'm also watching some bootlegs...oh I mean "RARE" albums on eBay for my White Stripes fix.
Peace out liver lips
Monday, February 20, 2006
Poker Time
Happy Monday kiddies! Ohh-Wee-Ohh...Back to work we go! The PL Posse got together for some poker Sat. night. Luckily I came home with the same amount in my pocket after coming in 2nd in both games.
2 games of poker $0
drinking Kris's beer $0
playing pole position $0
Watching James's ottoman melt in front of the fireplace...
Peace out gay fawkers
2 games of poker $0
drinking Kris's beer $0
playing pole position $0
Watching James's ottoman melt in front of the fireplace...
Peace out gay fawkers
Saturday, February 18, 2006
Friday, February 17, 2006
Some Links
Apple Hackers Owned
Bridgestone Doggy Style
Snowboard Show Off
Talladega Night Trailer
Blueprint Game
Day In Pictures
Peace out sweet nipple
Bridgestone Doggy Style
Snowboard Show Off
Talladega Night Trailer
Blueprint Game
Day In Pictures
Peace out sweet nipple
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
Jeep Update
Shane dropped off my axle last night. My goal is to get everything together tonight except for the drivers side because I still have to do some minor work on the Grand Cherokee backing plate I got from u-pull. Once everything is complete I will have to break in the gears slowly by driving 10 miles then let everything cool down. I will have to repeat this process 5 times within a few days. I also have a 'To Do' list I need to start on.
'To Do' list
·Hook up e-brake cable.
·Add 2-3" of bump stops to the front using hockey pucks.
·Install the tranny cooler that has been sitting on my work bench for the past 5 months.
·Fix the leaking windshield fluid bottle.
·Make an air dam for the air filter.
·Quick disconnects holders need to be relocated.
Need to buy
·Quarter panel guards from Rock Lizard Fab to ensure no more damage is done to my quarter panels.
·Dana 30 Axle Tube Seals to keep any muck & water out of the front axle.
I also finally found the rear bumper & tire carrier I want. It is made by a company called Rigid Fabrication. It is a very stout bumper with tons of mounts. It also has a nice body line as you can see from the pictures, which is hard to find for the Cherokees. This would also replace my hitch because a hitch is intergrated with the bumper. Then on top of all that it is about $500 cheaper than every other bumper/tire carrier combo I have seen.
You can see more pictures here.

'To Do' list
·Hook up e-brake cable.
·Add 2-3" of bump stops to the front using hockey pucks.
·Install the tranny cooler that has been sitting on my work bench for the past 5 months.
·Fix the leaking windshield fluid bottle.
·Make an air dam for the air filter.
·Quick disconnects holders need to be relocated.
Need to buy
·Quarter panel guards from Rock Lizard Fab to ensure no more damage is done to my quarter panels.
·Dana 30 Axle Tube Seals to keep any muck & water out of the front axle.
I also finally found the rear bumper & tire carrier I want. It is made by a company called Rigid Fabrication. It is a very stout bumper with tons of mounts. It also has a nice body line as you can see from the pictures, which is hard to find for the Cherokees. This would also replace my hitch because a hitch is intergrated with the bumper. Then on top of all that it is about $500 cheaper than every other bumper/tire carrier combo I have seen.
You can see more pictures here.

Monday, February 13, 2006
Misc Junk
Nothing much to report. Axle is being regeared right now. Work is starting to pick up a little because I now do all the pricing for Home Entertainment & Movies. Going to the LOTW fishing meeting on Thrusday at the VFW in Prior Lake. Same shit different day.
I hope everyone enjoys the Random Pictures. It's pretty quiet on this blog with only Petes comments. Come on kiddies, don't be afraid to post a comment.
Peace out cheese tits
I hope everyone enjoys the Random Pictures. It's pretty quiet on this blog with only Petes comments. Come on kiddies, don't be afraid to post a comment.
Peace out cheese tits
Saturday, February 11, 2006
Friday, February 10, 2006
Top 20 Albums
Top 20 albums I could not live without.
(not in any order)
Semisonic - Great Divide
Weezer - Pinkerton
Ben Folds - Ben Folds Live
Alice In Chains - Unplugged
Beck - Mellow Gold
Cake - Fashion Nugget
Chevelle - This Type Of Thing Could Do Us In
Radiohead - The Bends
Nirvana - Bleach
Pearl Jam - Lost Dogs
Pearl Jam - Live At Benaroya Hall
Smashing Pumpkins - Mellon Collie & The Infinite Sadness
Slipknot - Vol.3 Subliminal Versus
Soul Coughing - Irresistible Bliss
The White Stripes - De Stijl
System Of A Down - Steal This Album
Eve 6 - It's All In Your Head
Everclear - Sparkle & Fade
Green Day - Dookie
Jet - Get Born
I know all of these bands are mainstream but I don't fucking care, it's my list.
(not in any order)
Semisonic - Great Divide
Weezer - Pinkerton
Ben Folds - Ben Folds Live
Alice In Chains - Unplugged
Beck - Mellow Gold
Cake - Fashion Nugget
Chevelle - This Type Of Thing Could Do Us In
Radiohead - The Bends
Nirvana - Bleach
Pearl Jam - Lost Dogs
Pearl Jam - Live At Benaroya Hall
Smashing Pumpkins - Mellon Collie & The Infinite Sadness
Slipknot - Vol.3 Subliminal Versus
Soul Coughing - Irresistible Bliss
The White Stripes - De Stijl
System Of A Down - Steal This Album
Eve 6 - It's All In Your Head
Everclear - Sparkle & Fade
Green Day - Dookie
Jet - Get Born
I know all of these bands are mainstream but I don't fucking care, it's my list.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006
Cable GUY!!!
I'm at home today. We were rearranging our furniture in the living room last night and I moved the TV to the other side of the room. I hooked up the TV and all the stations were fuzzy & no premium channels. Lucky me I get to call Charter Cable...after 10 minutes of talking to a voice activated machine I just started hitting '0' on the phone to get an operator. Talked to the Charter help for a few minutes and decided we needed them to come out and take a look. So with me not having a car I had to take a personal day from work to wait for the cable guy. They showed up 20 minutes early (that's a first) and I guess the cable in the wall was not in good shape but after a few pulls on the cable line the reception was fixed.
Picked up the Van Wilder, Waiting 2 for $20 DVD deal at the Buy yesterday so I think I’ll watch them again. You can’t go wrong with crude unrated toilet boobie college humor.
Peace out niggaz
Picked up the Van Wilder, Waiting 2 for $20 DVD deal at the Buy yesterday so I think I’ll watch them again. You can’t go wrong with crude unrated toilet boobie college humor.
Peace out niggaz
Monday, February 06, 2006
Blog Updates
I have added some weather updates on the right side bar from wunderground.com. I have also added Aimee's Blog link but she doesn't update it too often. The only other thing which I'm still trying to figure out is why the Blogger header tool bar is not at the top of the page. I was messing with it today and comparing the code with Aimee's blog but I just can't seem to figure it out. Pete do you know how to fix it?
Steelers won the Super Bowl, which is awesome! I'm not a fan of the Seahawks since they have the gayest team name & mascot in the NFL. I should have dug out my terrible towel last night but it seems the Steelers didn't need my help. It's sad to see the Bus retire but it's better to go out on top then having a losing season (Farve).
Peace out bitches
Steelers won the Super Bowl, which is awesome! I'm not a fan of the Seahawks since they have the gayest team name & mascot in the NFL. I should have dug out my terrible towel last night but it seems the Steelers didn't need my help. It's sad to see the Bus retire but it's better to go out on top then having a losing season (Farve).
Peace out bitches
Sunday, February 05, 2006
Aimee and I went to see Brokeback Mountain yesterday and I personally thought this was a great movie. There were a couple scenes I could have done with out but what can you do. They should have had some kind of warning system so I could have closed my eyes.
Good Trailer Spoof
Brokeback To The Future
Good Trailer Spoof
Brokeback To The Future
Thursday, February 02, 2006
Beck - Guerolito

After a huge success of Becks latest album Guero he quickly releases a remix album of it called Guerolito. After Midnite Vultures I refused to buy another Beck album until this crappy dance electronic phase of his had passed. Guero ended up to be that album and brought back some sounds from the Odelay days. Guerolito has some horrible flat remixes. There are 2 or 3 remixes that I like on this album. The rest of the songs are just boring and lack any depth to them. I would like to see Beck go back to the old days of Mellow Gold & One Foot In The Grave with a acoustic guitar, beat box and a microphone. Along with the sound of the music whatever happened to the genius lyrics? For example the opening lyrics to loser, "In the time of chimpanzees I was a monkey, butane in my veins so I'm out to cut the junkie, with the plastic eyeballs, spray paint the vegetables, dog food stalls with the beefcake pantyhose". That was the best part of Beck…none of it made sense! My recommendation is to pass on Guerolito and purchase Guero. If you could only buy one Beck album, Mellow Gold would be the winner.
Groundhog Day!!

There is no way this winter is *ever* going to end as long as that groundhog keeps seeing his shadow. I don't see any way out of it. He's got to be stopped. And I have to stop him.
Punxsutawney Phil predicts that there would be six more weeks of winter after seeing his shadow in Puxsutawney, Pa.
This is pitiful. A thousand people freezing their butts off waiting to worship a rat. What a hype. Well, it used to mean something in this town. They used to pull the hog out, and they used to *eat* it. You're hypocrites, all of you!
Jimmy the Wisconsin Groundhog did not see his shadow today because it was cloudy, and he thus predicted an early spring. But what does a groundhog from Wisconsin really know?
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
Gears Arrived
YAHHH! My new Yukon gears arrived today with the master install kit! I spent an hour or so out in the garage tonight removing my rear Dana 44 axle. Hopefully (crossing my fingers) Shane will be able to install the new gears this weekend.
Tax time is among us. I'm just waiting for my 1099 form to come in the mail and then we can take everything to our tax guy. I was messing around on Taxcut.com and it seems we get a lot more back if we file separately. I'll have Dave (our tax guy) take a look into it. Daddy needs a new ORO U-Turn steering set-up for the Jeep.
In other news, Aimee and I will be heading up to Duluth tomorrow night for a nights stay. She has to go up for a Vet Tech conference so she can get her continuing education credits. Corey & Mel were going to head up with us but Corey has some major surgery to do on his Jeep to fix his leaky heater core so we will have to do it some other time, no big whoop.
Peace out bitches.
Tax time is among us. I'm just waiting for my 1099 form to come in the mail and then we can take everything to our tax guy. I was messing around on Taxcut.com and it seems we get a lot more back if we file separately. I'll have Dave (our tax guy) take a look into it. Daddy needs a new ORO U-Turn steering set-up for the Jeep.
In other news, Aimee and I will be heading up to Duluth tomorrow night for a nights stay. She has to go up for a Vet Tech conference so she can get her continuing education credits. Corey & Mel were going to head up with us but Corey has some major surgery to do on his Jeep to fix his leaky heater core so we will have to do it some other time, no big whoop.
Peace out bitches.