Monday, February 26, 2007
Another Room Painted
Aimee is on fire! She has now painted the bedroom. The old paint was an off white & maybe had a small shade of pink in it. With the accent wall being red it made the room look totally pink so Aimee decided to fix that with a Belgium Sweet Brown by Behr. The ceiling fan is going to have to go & I'm thinking we will need some updated matching bedroom furniture.

Looks similar to our room. ;)
Yeah brown/tan is just about the only color you can use with a red accent wall. Or using a lighter shade of red but then that's just too much red. We could have went with a bright green and made the room look like a watermelon.
I agree, red and tan look the best together. But, if you did do red and green you'd for sure have to add the black seeds!! :)
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