Saturday - Since Anne was in town we wanted to take a nice leisurely bike ride around the lakes (Harriet, Calhoun). In attendance for this ride was Kris, Mary, Pete, Anne, Eric, Aimee & I. It was a beautiful day temperature wise but Mother Nature would not let that sun peak through the clouds. We ended up taking a lunch break at Punch Pizza. A pizza cooked at 800* degrees in a wood fire oven for 90 seconds! It was very tasty but not very filling. We were suppose to call Andy so he could stop over and eat lunch with us but we all forgot to call him until we had eaten half of our pizzas. Sorry Andy!
Bike Ride Stats
Total Time (h:m:s) 1:13:22 8:34 pace
Moving Time (h:m:s) 1:10:44 5:48 pace
Distance (mi ) 12.19
Moving Speed (mph) 10.3 avg. 25.7 max.
Elevation Gain (ft) +802 / -821
(click on pic to enlarge)

Sunday - Easter, yippee! (who cares). The most boring holiday ever! We were going to have a family Easter at Jason & Suzie's house but little Laynie was not feeling good for the past few days so to ensure no one else got sick we all thought it would be a good idea to call it off. So...I decided I wanted to go to the REI scratch & dent sale at noon. I always hear about the good deals so Aimee & I went to check it out. It appears you need to get to this sale 2 hours before they open the doors because by the time we got there the line was a couple hundred people deep. They only allow so many people into the room and there is a 5 item limit. We stood in line for about 40 minutes and by the time we go into the room most of the hard goods were gone so we had to settle for some clothing. I ended up with a North Face fleece jacket that appeared to be worn once and still had the tags on it for 60% off.
After our REI experiance we wanted to see how Laynie was doing so we stopped by Jason & Suzie's. We gave Laynie her Easter gifts and chatted for a while. Suzie's Mom, Dad & Aunt showed up while we were their also to drop off their gifts too.
Today is Movie Monday so the guys are going to come over to my place and we will be biking up to Farmington and back. Then we will be ordering some pizza, drink some beer and make fun of the movie 'Over The Top'; I drive truck, break arms, and arm wrestle. It's what I love to do, it's what I do best.
Bye Bye Easter Bunny.
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