Monday, April 10, 2006

Bikey Part Drei

On Saturday Pete, Kris & I met at Pete's to take the light rail from the Mall of America to downtown Minneapolis for some urban bike riding. We got off in the middle of MPLS and rode around for a while up and down the one way streets. The one thing that sucked was all the stop & go traffic because of the stop lights. We ended up at Brits Pub off of Nicollet for a Black & Tan and some lunch. After a delicious lunch we headed towards the river and biked along the river all the way down to 46th street. In total we biked 23 miles that day.

We had so much fun on Saturday we decided to do it again yesterday. Aimee & I loaded up the bikes and headed off to Pete's again Sunday morning to meet up with Kris. Kris was feeling a little sore so he had to borrow Mary's Gel seat for his butt, what a wuss. We did the MPLS streets again and then headed across the river to the U of M again for lunch at Sally's Saloon. After a tall Blue Moon and some dessert from the Skittles, Mike & Ikes, Reeses Pieces quarter vending machine we were off once again to 46th street but we decided to stay on the east side of the river. The east side seemed to be a little easier but not as good of a view. We ended up doing 18 miles so in total 40+ miles of biking for the weekend. For Pete & I, we have done 60+ miles in the past 4 days. I would love to post some picture but I was a dumbass and forgot my camera…again.


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