Excellent...another bikey post. Last night was cheesy movie night but before the movie we wanted to do some biking. In attendance was Pete aka 'T-Bone', Eric aka 'James', Kris aka 'Crank', Corey aka 'Cordog' and Me...I guess aka 'MikeyB'. I had a nice and easy 15 mile ride planned through 'new' Farmington taking hwy 46 to hwy 31 south to hwy 50 and back up Cedar to my place. T-bone felt that it wasn't enough for his thirst of bikey so I planned a new route that would take us down hwy 46 to hwy 3 south into 'old' Farmington and then west on hwy 50 and back up Cedar, it was roughly 20 miles. T-bone agreed to the new route and off we go.
We get on hwy 46, also known as 160th st., and we are dragging some major ass. We are going right into the wind which is howling out of the southeast at 15mph. We finally get to the corner of hwy 46 & 3 and we are thinking maybe this isn't the best idea. But we pulled up our skirts and kept on truckin'. We were down about 2 miles on hwy 3 and what do we see? Yes a big damn hill, ugh! We kept a good pace up the hill which felt like an eternity

We finally rolled into Farmington next to the DQ to rest and wait for Crank. I wanted to run into DQ and get a small Oreo Blizzard so bad but I held back my cravings for the delicious ice cream treat because we had another 10 miles to go. Now we are starting to head west which means the wind is at our backs finally! We were on hwy 50 cruising at a 18-20mph pace. Nothing but the smell of fresh manure, I thought I was at the state fair.

We cruised to Cedar (hwy 77) and all is good. Kris, I mean Crank's legs started to cramp up but other than that everyone was doing well. The last 5 miles was a cake walk. We had one small hill to climb at the corner of Cedar & Dodd rd by the Cub Foods. We started hauling ass down that hill and I think I hit 30mph at that point. T-Bone & James were about a mile ahead of us. They were talking girl talk and forgot where they were. We got back to my place just as the sun was going down. A perfect ride for a perfect day.
Ride Stats:
Moving Time: 1:32:07 - 4:39 pace
Distance: 32km (20 Miles)
Moving Speed: 12.9mph avg. 31.7mph max.
Elevation Gain: +775 / -794
Temperature: 59.5°F avg. - 66.2°F high
Wind Speed: ESE 9.0 avg. - ESE 12.7 max

We watched 'Over The Top' after our bike ride. Lincoln Hawk (Sylvester Stallone), as a truck driving dead beat dad arm wrestler that wants to be apart of his dorky gay acting sons life played by David Mendenhall (which his career went nowhere after this film). If you are a guy this movie is a must see and a classic.
Peace out - I drive truck, break arms, and arm wrestle. It's what I love to do, it's what I do best.
Right on!
Mr. Tbone
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