Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Not Much Going On

It has been a slow week for the ol' blog with nothing much really going on. I have a few house projects up my sleeve which includes new wood floors on the main level, a stone fireplace surround and a new pantry cabinet for the kitchen (possibly new cabinet doors) for phase 1. Money talks and we are waiting for uncle sam to deposit it into our bank account in a week. It should be fun ripping out the old carpet. If it was my choice I would take it outside, sprinkle some gasoline on it, light a match and dance around the burning pile of shit carpet with an indian headdress and tomahawk waving in the air while screaming burn bitch, BURN! BUT that would not be enviromently friendly, the neighbors may not enjoy it as much as I would and that's just plain silly so we will just get a Tub. I'm thinking this may all go down the first weekend in April since I work the weekend of the 24th & 25th. One weekend for ripping out the carpet, sealing any cracks and the next weekend for install but we'll see.



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