Friday, January 06, 2006

This week I kind of started a little diet. My goal is to drop 30lbs. It basically comes down to me eating right and stop eating shit (not feces...junk foods). I started out by looking at what I eat for lunch each day and figured out I go out for lunch way too much. I saw in the Sunday paper that Cub foods had 50% off Lean Cuisines so I figured I can buy a bunch of them to try them out to find out which ones I like. I'm not a big fan of veggies but I need to learn to like them so I'm trying my best. Also the best snack is Jell-O! Oh I love Jell-o! I just make a couple batches of it then put them in little separate containers to bring to work or to snack on at home. We will see how this goes. I have totally cut out soda from my diet for a couple months now and I feel much better. Water is your friend :)

Tonight I'm going to get my fish on. Not sure where I am going to go but It's not going to be Prior or Crystal lake. Corey had a few suggestions but I can't remember them off the top of my head. Then tomorrow I'll be doing some more fishing in the morning. I have to get out as much as I can this ice fishing season. I'm also going to find a weekend where I can go up to Mille Lacs for a day or two.

That's all for now.


pete said...

If you join lifetime I can meet you there. :) I go m-t-w-th usually. :) Good luck on the diet!

MikeyB said...

No lifetime for me. Those places are always to packed and too much $$ plus there really isn't one close to me.

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