Doctor Zhivago (1965) - "
The Force will be with you, always." And who thought
Alec Guinness actually starred in other movies other than
Star Wars? Yes Obi-Wan Kenobi is using his force in the movie Doctor Zhivago, but he is not the main character.
Omar Sharif is the main character playing Dr. Yuri Zhivago. Isn't Yuri a fun name to say? YUUUUURRRRIII! Yup fun. Basically Yuri got jiggy wit it while he was using his Doc skillz during the
Russian Revolution. Lara (
Julie Christie), whom Yuri getz jiggy wit, comes in and out of his life during
WWI and the Revolution. But get this, Yuri gotz himself a hot piece of ass at his crib but he's a bit of a man whore and has to knock da bootz with Lara. Years later after Yuri and Lara kick the bucket, Obi-Wan is basically searching for his long lost Niece.
The movie is wicked long at 193 minutes. The beginning sucked, middle was good covering Revolution and the end was lame. Also you will see the first time ever filmed crowd surfing.
6 out of 10 stars.
^^ nice blog!! thanks a lot! ^^
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