Thursday, September 14, 2006

Road Rage

It's time for a story from Uncle James.

As most of you know
James and I car pool to work using his H-Bomb aka the Honda. James picks me up from Best Buy around 4:20pm after work but today he was running a little late due to some traffic on east 494. He arrives at Best Buy around 4:45pm pretty pissed off already because 'The James' hates traffic. TRAFFIC BAD! He pulls into the guest parking lot to turn around and pick me up. Upon exiting you have to jet out into the Best Buy traffic coming out from the bat cave parking ramp. There are a couple issues with this. One, Best Buy Employees drive like crazy jack asses coming out of the ramp and two, there is a huge blind spot where you can't tell if a car is exiting the parking ramp. So James & I were waiting patiently for the light onto Penn Ave to turn red, because that means the employees will slow down and stop to let you in. We are waiting and a white Chevy pick-up pulls up behind us. Now it's time to explain what goes down.

Chevy truck: (HONK!!)

(James sticks his whole body out of the drivers side window looking back at the white truck)

James: WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT ME TO DO?!?!?!?! (yelling)

(James's face turns bright red with anger as the blood rushes to his head. It was like he turned his hat and flipped the switch)

Chevy truck: GET YOUR NOSE OUT THERE!!! (referring to the H-Bomb)

(James full of anger slams on the gas leaving a strip of rubber on the asphalt and moves 5 feet. James sticks his whole body out of the drivers side window looking back at the Chevy truck again)

James: ARE YOU FUCKING HAPPY!!?? (yelling once again)


(we get into traffic and begin to wait at the light with the Chevy truck behind us)

Mike: (whispers) awkward.

(James looked like he was going to rip someone's cock off. He was beyond pissed off. He had gone to plaid.)

After that the light turned green we were off onto Penn Ave then 494.

We started to joke about it after we got onto 35w but damn, James turned into the Hulk (minus the muscular green body) for a minute there. I have never seen him so pissed in my life.

-Mikey (scared of James) B


Anonymous said...

That's some good shit right there! Hilarious!

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