"In another blatant attempt to influence, rather than report on the U.S. Senate race, the Star Tribune released a poll showing a ridiculous lead for Amy Kloubchar. This poll, even more egregious than one released in July, is clearly more about discouraging Kennedy supporters than on reflecting the true status of one of the most closely contested Senate races in the country."
It's ok to admit you're getting your ass whipped Mark or as I like to call you, pig-fucker. Even ask Aimee, every time I see Mark Kennedy's TV ads I start yelling at the TV using a variety of R-Rated profanities.
Mark Kennedy, I salute you.

You know, I don't really like Amy Klobuchar all that much - it's more of an indifference, really, but I REALLY DISLIKE Mark Kennedy. So, I will be voting Klobuchar. Voting out of hatred is a less-than-ideal place to be. :(
^^ nice blog!! thanks a lot! ^^
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