Odd having 2 doors leading out to no where. I'd hate to be the pizza delivery man going to this house. This is out view from the condo on Saturday. We were right on the channel where a lot of the boats dock. That gray building below is RV Charters which was the charter service we used. Scott, our Captain, was a really nice guy that knew his stuff out on the lake. Ree-Lax VII was the 40ft boat we used. She was the biggest one of the fleet. We had 3 down riggers and 4 dipsy divers going at all times. We were fishing in 170-270 feet of water. Me & Jason sitting inside the cabin of the boat waiting for a fish to strike. We had a couple streaks of 1-2 hours with no strikes. Is there something not right about this picture? Can you imagine 6 hours of this?
Mike? What are you doing sleeping? Jason? umm...why is everyone sleeping? Dammit Mike I told you to wake up! Jerry pulling in a King Salmon. With 100-200 feet of line out and the boat continuing to troll, your arms get tired after reeling in a fish. Von Stiehl Winery where Jason & I went in on a case of wine. This is the outside of the winery. Picture of all the guys just outside of the condo. I had a great time and hope to do it again next year. Here is a picture of the lake Monday morning. As you can see it's pretty rough out there. We would be like bobbers in the water even in the 40ft boat. The best thing about Wisconsin, New Galrus beer. I picked up some Totally Naked, Spotted Cow, Uff-Da, Yokel and Fat Squirrel.
I noticed the doors and landings to nowhere in Madison when Anne lived there, the only thing I can come up with is that there was some building code that there had to be a way to exit the building that wasn't over whatever amount of feet off the ground. It really makes for some funny looking shit.
I noticed the doors and landings to nowhere in Madison when Anne lived there, the only thing I can come up with is that there was some building code that there had to be a way to exit the building that wasn't over whatever amount of feet off the ground. It really makes for some funny looking shit.
Another good thing about Algoma. $1 bottles of Coors light at the local corner bar.
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