Minutes of your life you will never get back. Enjoy some random YouTube goodness.
Friday, September 29, 2006
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
New Blog!
Hi Kiddies, check out our new Blog, CAPTION IT! We (Pete, Andy & I) will post 1 random picture per day and we leave it up to you to Caption It! You post your captions in the comments section. Enjoy!
Random Picture

This picture reminds of me of 4th grade when we HAD to do a science or inventors fair project. Of course I was once of those lazy students that didn't think of anything to do until the night before so you end up falling back on the good ol' volcano science fair project. Some doughy contrapion of a Volcano made of tooth picks & silly putty with a cancerous red liquid spewing out of the top.
BTW this girl looks too fucking excited over her new plastic valcono. And for the love of god you should have your goggles on to prevent any eye injuries! I hope you go blind!
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Urban Dictionary Word'O'Day
Urban Dictionary Word'O'Day
1. Waaaambulance
A derisive word used on someone who is whining too much.
Are you okay, wittle pwecious? Did I hurt your feelings? Better call the waaaambulance!
1. Waaaambulance
A derisive word used on someone who is whining too much.
Are you okay, wittle pwecious? Did I hurt your feelings? Better call the waaaambulance!

Monday, September 25, 2006
It's a Renaissance, Bitches!
The Renaissance Festival! The time of year where it's "OK" to dress up as Frodo or Gandalf other than prancing around your parents living room while listening to the Star Trek theme, but if you do dress up for the Ren Fest I still point and laugh at you. We (Corey, Mel, James, Liz, Scooter, Aimee & I) went to this great gathering of freaks on Saturday. According to Jonathan Yuhas, we all thought it was going to be a wash out with rain showers but as all weather men do, he couldn't predict a good shit. The day ended up being pretty nice and cool making that first beer at 9:30 am mighty tasty. The highlights of the day were watching Scooter bust a rap, James bust a move, everyone staring at the Tranny, watching some jugglers jumble their packages in tights and the blowing of glass entering the glory hole.
Friday, September 22, 2006
Day Off
Both Aimee and I have today off. Well, um, actually we have a pretty nice little Friday planned, we're going to go to Home Depot. Maybe Bed, Bath, & Beyond, I don't know, I don't know if we'll have enough time. FISH EARS!! (sorry Waynes World has been on HBO this month). We are going over to the Eagan Regal 16 to see the movie The Last Kiss, Dosdall would be so proud.
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Monday, September 18, 2006
Klobuchar > Kennedy
I'm not really into politics but I'm glad that Amy Klobuchar is ahead in the polls over Kennedy because Mark Kennedy just creeps the shit out of me. Just look at this guy. He looks like a sleazy prick of a politician. Also I just love his response to the StarTrib Poll...
"In another blatant attempt to influence, rather than report on the U.S. Senate race, the Star Tribune released a poll showing a ridiculous lead for Amy Kloubchar. This poll, even more egregious than one released in July, is clearly more about discouraging Kennedy supporters than on reflecting the true status of one of the most closely contested Senate races in the country."
It's ok to admit you're getting your ass whipped Mark or as I like to call you, pig-fucker. Even ask Aimee, every time I see Mark Kennedy's TV ads I start yelling at the TV using a variety of R-Rated profanities.
Mark Kennedy, I salute you.

"In another blatant attempt to influence, rather than report on the U.S. Senate race, the Star Tribune released a poll showing a ridiculous lead for Amy Kloubchar. This poll, even more egregious than one released in July, is clearly more about discouraging Kennedy supporters than on reflecting the true status of one of the most closely contested Senate races in the country."
It's ok to admit you're getting your ass whipped Mark or as I like to call you, pig-fucker. Even ask Aimee, every time I see Mark Kennedy's TV ads I start yelling at the TV using a variety of R-Rated profanities.
Mark Kennedy, I salute you.

Urban Dictionary Word'O'Day
Urban Dictionary Word'O'Day
1. Tabarnak
Used as swear word (common in french Canadian slang) 'Tabarnak' has a variety of uses. It has nearly become an equivalent to "fuck" and its derivatives in how it is used. It can be used as an insult (when adressing someone),or to overstate/amplify an emotion/state of mind, or to express surprise-disgust, etc.
Mon/le -tabarnak- (in keeping with the fuck reference: you/that -fucker-) ~insult~C'est beau en -tabarnak- (It's -fucking- pretty) ~to amplify, overstate~tabarnak! (fuck!) ~to express surprise in response to a comment, for example~
1. Tabarnak
Used as swear word (common in french Canadian slang) 'Tabarnak' has a variety of uses. It has nearly become an equivalent to "fuck" and its derivatives in how it is used. It can be used as an insult (when adressing someone),or to overstate/amplify an emotion/state of mind, or to express surprise-disgust, etc.
Mon/le -tabarnak- (in keeping with the fuck reference: you/that -fucker-) ~insult~C'est beau en -tabarnak- (It's -fucking- pretty) ~to amplify, overstate~tabarnak! (fuck!) ~to express surprise in response to a comment, for example~
Thursday, September 14, 2006
Road Rage
It's time for a story from Uncle James.
As most of you know James and I car pool to work using his H-Bomb aka the Honda. James picks me up from Best Buy around 4:20pm after work but today he was running a little late due to some traffic on east 494. He arrives at Best Buy around 4:45pm pretty pissed off already because 'The James' hates traffic. TRAFFIC BAD! He pulls into the guest parking lot to turn around and pick me up. Upon exiting you have to jet out into the Best Buy traffic coming out from the bat cave parking ramp. There are a couple issues with this. One, Best Buy Employees drive like crazy jack asses coming out of the ramp and two, there is a huge blind spot where you can't tell if a car is exiting the parking ramp. So James & I were waiting patiently for the light onto Penn Ave to turn red, because that means the employees will slow down and stop to let you in. We are waiting and a white Chevy pick-up pulls up behind us. Now it's time to explain what goes down.
Chevy truck: (HONK!!)
(James sticks his whole body out of the drivers side window looking back at the white truck)
James: WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT ME TO DO?!?!?!?! (yelling)
(James's face turns bright red with anger as the blood rushes to his head. It was like he turned his hat and flipped the switch)
Chevy truck: GET YOUR NOSE OUT THERE!!! (referring to the H-Bomb)
(James full of anger slams on the gas leaving a strip of rubber on the asphalt and moves 5 feet. James sticks his whole body out of the drivers side window looking back at the Chevy truck again)
James: ARE YOU FUCKING HAPPY!!?? (yelling once again)
(we get into traffic and begin to wait at the light with the Chevy truck behind us)
Mike: (whispers) awkward.
(James looked like he was going to rip someone's cock off. He was beyond pissed off. He had gone to plaid.)
After that the light turned green we were off onto Penn Ave then 494.
We started to joke about it after we got onto 35w but damn, James turned into the Hulk (minus the muscular green body) for a minute there. I have never seen him so pissed in my life.
-Mikey (scared of James) B
As most of you know James and I car pool to work using his H-Bomb aka the Honda. James picks me up from Best Buy around 4:20pm after work but today he was running a little late due to some traffic on east 494. He arrives at Best Buy around 4:45pm pretty pissed off already because 'The James' hates traffic. TRAFFIC BAD! He pulls into the guest parking lot to turn around and pick me up. Upon exiting you have to jet out into the Best Buy traffic coming out from the bat cave parking ramp. There are a couple issues with this. One, Best Buy Employees drive like crazy jack asses coming out of the ramp and two, there is a huge blind spot where you can't tell if a car is exiting the parking ramp. So James & I were waiting patiently for the light onto Penn Ave to turn red, because that means the employees will slow down and stop to let you in. We are waiting and a white Chevy pick-up pulls up behind us. Now it's time to explain what goes down.
Chevy truck: (HONK!!)
(James sticks his whole body out of the drivers side window looking back at the white truck)
James: WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT ME TO DO?!?!?!?! (yelling)
(James's face turns bright red with anger as the blood rushes to his head. It was like he turned his hat and flipped the switch)
Chevy truck: GET YOUR NOSE OUT THERE!!! (referring to the H-Bomb)
(James full of anger slams on the gas leaving a strip of rubber on the asphalt and moves 5 feet. James sticks his whole body out of the drivers side window looking back at the Chevy truck again)
James: ARE YOU FUCKING HAPPY!!?? (yelling once again)
(we get into traffic and begin to wait at the light with the Chevy truck behind us)
Mike: (whispers) awkward.
(James looked like he was going to rip someone's cock off. He was beyond pissed off. He had gone to plaid.)
After that the light turned green we were off onto Penn Ave then 494.
We started to joke about it after we got onto 35w but damn, James turned into the Hulk (minus the muscular green body) for a minute there. I have never seen him so pissed in my life.
-Mikey (scared of James) B
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Sea Sick
Captured on video, experience Lake Michigan in a 40ft boat with 4-6 foot rollers. Throw on a white cap and pretend you're Gilligan on the S.S. Minnow. Just don't piss off the Skipper and Ginger...well she's off limits.
Urban Dictionary Word'O'Day
Urban Dictionary Word'O'Day
1. Moose Knuckles
A man's version of a camel toe. The result of wearing spandex, or pants that are way too tight--resulting in an unsightly bulge of his junk.
Check out the moose knucks on that freak!

1. Moose Knuckles
A man's version of a camel toe. The result of wearing spandex, or pants that are way too tight--resulting in an unsightly bulge of his junk.
Check out the moose knucks on that freak!

BTW this was post #200!! Congrats to me!
Monday, September 11, 2006
Algoma, WI: The Pictures

Algoma, WI Part III
We woke up to 49 degrees and winds out of the west at 18-20mph which was causing large waves to brake over the pier. We had two choices this morning, pay $110 & get knocked around by waves 8-10 feet tall waves or leave early. We had to go with the leave early option because none of us wanted to have a miserable time out on the lake for 6 hours and then on top of that pay $110 to do so. I got home around 1pm and had to take a nap right away because I got up at 4:30am this morning. You could see it on everyone's faces that we were all wiped out. I'll post up all of the pictures later tonight.
Sunday, September 10, 2006
Algoma, WI Part II
We went out on the boat early this morning, I'm talking 4:30am wake up call. It was a crisp 48 degrees but the water temp was 70 degrees so it made the trip bearable. Winds were howling from the east at 5-10 mph causing some 5 foot rollers. We were starting to take bets who was going to loose their breakfast first. I really thought I was going to ralph for a while but it didn't take long before I got my sea legs & I was ok. Steve was looking a little green and it really set him off when he was trying to fill out his fishing permit. It was a very slow day as we only caught 5 king salmon and lost 3 . Off the pier people were catching Chinook as they come in to the river to breed. Our luck has it we didn't even bring a fishing pole to use and no one wanted to piss away $40 on a crappy rob reel combo to use for one afternoon. With about 15 minutes before we were about to head in Steve had enough and he decided to chum for fish over the side of the boat. Steve was the only one to puke today. When we got back around noon everyone was wiped out and napped for a couple hours. We will be up again tomorrow morning around 5am for round two and I hope it will be better than today.


Saturday, September 09, 2006
Algoma, WI Part I
I'm out here in Algoma, WI. The waves are 8-10 feet on Lake Michigan! Hopefully the winds will die down overnight so we don't lose our breakfast on the boat tomorrow morning. We found some spotted cow, yokel & fat squirrel! We are drinking in the parking lot because some morons went into the wrong room so we need to get them out first and have the staff clean it. There is a little winery next door called Von Stiehl. I'll have to bring some back for the little lady. Sorry for any grammer mistakes bacause I'm posting this in the parking lot and the sun does not mix well with a laptop screen.
Later for now.
Later for now.
Friday, September 08, 2006
What Movie Do you Belong In?

Say Anything? Eh not bad. I personaly would have thought One Crazy Summer. Well...take the quiz kiddies and post up what movie you belong in in the comments section.
Thursday, September 07, 2006
Urban Dictionary Word'O'Day
Urban Dictionary Word'O'Day
An ‘ebonic’ expression for an extremely curvaceous female behind. Women who possess this feature usually have a small waist that violently explodes into round and juicy posterior (e.g., 34c, 24, 38). Other characteristics would be moderately wide hips and a large amount of booty cleavage (i.e, depth of butt-crack).
Her badonkadonk made a brotha pop several wheelies.
An ‘ebonic’ expression for an extremely curvaceous female behind. Women who possess this feature usually have a small waist that violently explodes into round and juicy posterior (e.g., 34c, 24, 38). Other characteristics would be moderately wide hips and a large amount of booty cleavage (i.e, depth of butt-crack).
Her badonkadonk made a brotha pop several wheelies.
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Damn You Bill Gates!

Tuesday, September 05, 2006
Urban Dictionary Word'O'Day
I know everyone has been thinking, "Mike what happened to the Urban Dictionary Word'O'Day?". To my fans, I am sorry & feel shame. I have been just to lazy to post something, so here you go. Read it, like it, roll it around in your mouth if you have to.
Urban Dictionary Word'O'Day
1.O RLY?
Sarcasm meaning feigning interest. See o rly owl
Jane: oh so i went to the mall and saw heather there and she bought the exact same sweater i had on yesterday.
Tom: O RLY?

Urban Dictionary Word'O'Day
1.O RLY?
Sarcasm meaning feigning interest. See o rly owl
Jane: oh so i went to the mall and saw heather there and she bought the exact same sweater i had on yesterday.
Tom: O RLY?

Twisted Knee
Ouch, my knee hurts! I wish I had a rad story behind the injury like I was training to become a cage fighter or I twisted it jumping out of an airplane upon landing. No, I was just being a moron at work last week. I was pushing myself in my chair down the isle and I just pushed off weird.
Monday, September 04, 2006
Labor Day Weekend
Aimee & I have returned from Moore Springs Resort in Akeley, MN. The campsites were awesome over looking Howard lake and having the tall pine trees around us. We were sandwiched between Jason & Suzie's pop-up camper and Mike & Cindi's cabin. You can't miss our radiation green Kelty tent. Just a reminder to all you Johnny-Go-Campers out there, don't walk through other peoples campsites when you can take your ass 20 feet to the south and walk around the site. Better yet don't walk through other peoples or persons campsite and say, "Oh I'm sorry we keep walking through your campsite", while you are WALKING THROUGH OUR CAMPSITE!!
Radiation green Kelty tent on the left. The un-named pop-up on the right. You can't see it but I had to park my Jeep on the left of the Kelty to give the other campers the hint not to walk through our site.
Here's the cabin Mike & Cindi rented for the weekend. I think most airplanes have larger bathrooms than this cabin.

Howard Lake
Everyones retinas burning while we stare at the sun.
The Laynie Monster.


Another sunset

Yet another sunset. I thought this picture was B.A.

Laynie's first time using a straw at the Perkins in Clearwater.