1. It was wicked hot on Friday. Lake Ore-Be-Gone is wicked deep and wicked blue. Maybe too many Wickeds in that statement.
2. James is the Mr. Miyagi of beer drinking downing 22 1/2 beers Friday night. We salute you James. You are the champion beer drinker that all of us light weights can only dream to be.
3. James learned how to sign language, "I have to poop lady!", thanks to Aimee. Ladies watch out, you may be next to witness the wrath of the James.
4. When you are drunk you don't seem to mind the mosquito bites or comprehend them for that matter.
5. James managed to leave a nice dent in the rear quarter panel of his new Jeep. I swear I saw a tear.
6. To remove a wasps just use 1 part lighter fluid and 1 part fire. Works every time.
7. Using a charcoal grill for 60 people, not such a great idea.
8. Putting up a wet tent to dry in 113* heat index weather causes you to be not so dry.
Here is a link to all of the pictures.
The effects of drinking.
(Warning: Do try this at home)
