Sunday, June 04, 2006

Trails Day Weekend

I'm back from up north. I headed up on Friday to Gilbert, MN because this weekend was National Trails Day. 7 Twin City Off-Road members, myself included, and some members helped out the create 2 new off-road trails and clean up 1 trail.

I left home around 8am Friday morning. It takes exactly 3 hours to get up to Gilbert. It was such a beautiful day out that when I arrived at Sherwood Campground and just unpacked and cracked open a delicious Shiner Bock. If you have never had a Shiner Bock then you have not had a good beer. I just sat in my fold out chair for 6 hours drinking some beer and listening to some White Stripes. I fell asleep for a couple hours after that. It was some great R&R!

Saturday morning we went over the Memory Lane Cafe' for some breakfast. Some french toast made my belly dance with glee. Best part is it only cost $5. You have to love those small town Cafes. We headed over the park and within 30 minutes of the park opening some ATV moron flipped his ATV while going down a hill. Lucky the guy was OK because the ATV flipped over him but he had some nice rock burns across his back. If you have never been to Gilbert OHVRA park it is basically a left over ore mine. So I'm sure those sharp red rocks didn't feel to good in this dudes back. After that fiasco we split up into two groups. One group was going to create a new trail in the forest and another was going to open up a new portion of the Rock Gorge. I was with the second group that went to the gorge. The rock gorge is discarded piles of large rock that the mining company had stacked hundreds of feet high. We were working at the base of this massive pile where the rocks level out. Even though it was 80* degrees outside you can look down deep into these rocks and see some snow and feel the cool air being released within. After we took down a few trees and brush Dan thought he would give it a shot. He did well until his rig was stuck in a ten foot hole and then broke a drive shaft U-joint.

After finally getting Dan out of the gorge we went to check out the new trail. It was pretty damn sweet. It moves through the woods in a 'S' shape pattern and there were many off camber spots. I walked through it first and I thought no way is my Jeep going to get through here with out causing some body damage. But then the curiosity killed the cat and I had to give it a shot. My rig is very well built with front and rear locker but a Cherokee is much longer than a Wrangler and I didn't want to hit any trees. Dan spotted me through the trail perfectly. No damage and it was one of the funnest times I have ever had wheelin'! I don't know what they are going to name the trail but I recommend "Around The Bend" to Phil, one of the park workers.

Around 7pm everyone was just starving. All I had for lunch was a sandwich from a gas station & lots of water. We all got cleaned up and headed over to the Saw Mill in Virginia. Cool place if you ask me and the food was good too. For some reason the whole place closes at 11:00pm which is kind of odd since this place had a large bar. Got back to camp and fell asleep in 1 minute.

I headed out pretty early Sunday so I could get back around 11ish. I almost hit 3 deer on the way home which really kept me awake! Then just after the 35 split on 35E a car looked like it had just flipped in the ditch and people were running across the HWY and almost got hit. I hope everyone was OK in that car.

Blogger is being a bitch and will not let me upload some picture so you can view all the pictures from the weekend here. Enjoy!



Guacaholic said...

You were in Gilbert & you didn't eat at the Whistling Bird? A travesty!

Good for you on missing out on Gilbert's own strip club, the Gladiator. Yikes.

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