A new BW3's was getting ready to open in Savage off of hwy 42 & 13. Before they grand open BW3's has these training events where they invite people from the community to come in for free food & $1 beers then they run everything like the would if they were open just so they can work out all the kinks before the grand opening. Corey got some tickets at work so we went over there yesterday around 11am. We both got some mild boneless buffalo wings and a beer or two. We were there for a couple hours because the video games were free too! After playing some Golden Tee & Bowling I felt like my stomach was about to fall out of my ass. I was just hurting! Remember that scene from Dumb & Dumber when Harry sits on the toilet at Mary's house? Yeah I felt like that. Again all day today my stomach has been gurgling & making fun noises. This little incident made me think of the Plush Microbes you can buy at ThinkGeek.com. Stomach Ache(Shigella) I solute you….
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