Wow gas prices hit über high today at $3.10 a gallon in the Twin Cities! Prices down the road from my house were around the $2.72 - $2.79 mark. You can check out what the prices are in your neighborhood at Twincitiesgasprices.com. I guess I started to take the bus to work just in time. These high gas prices are just in time for our trip to the Wisconsin Dells this weekend. With the Cherokee getting around 14mpg on the hwy this should be fun. It will be nice to relax this weekend. Work has been really busy the last couple weeks and should continue until at least January because of the mail-in rebate test & holiday season coming up. All that is going on in the world today, the war, hurricanes, gas prices, tsunamis, bombings & all the violence in the world it almost makes you want to just leave everything behind and live in seclusion up in Alaska away from everything. I only mention this because I was watching TPT about 1 year ago and saw a story about a man named Dick Proenneke who set out to live in a pristine land unchanged by man. He built his own cabin in Alaska, hunted & fished for food & lived there for over 30 years. You can check out his video at Dickproenneke.com.