While we were biking there was a whole lot of naughty going on in my house. Aimee and her coworker hosted a Tasteful Treasures party at our house. All I can say is Giggidy Giggidy, Giggidy Goo. It sounded like everyone had a great time and lots of merchandise was purchased by all.
After the treasures party Aimee drove up to Pete & Anne's and we all took the light rail downtown to check out the ARTcrank poster show. The place was packed like sardines. They are lucky the fire chief didn't show up because they would have broken a fire code with too many people in the building. There were a couple posters that I liked but that is about it. These couple prints looked good but I wouldn't have a spot to hang them. I guess I set my expectations too high for the show.
We then headed over to Pizza Luce for some delectiable pizza. Anne very much enjoyed her 16oz PBR's through a straw. After our fill of pizza we headed over to The Local. We had a couple drinks and I schooled everyone in connect 4. It was a lot of fun hanging out with everyone and can't wait to do it again!
Today Aimee and I are heading to the sports show.
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