Friday, April 04, 2008

Healthy Heart

Since L.A. Fitness is only a block away from our house there is no excuse for me not to go. For the past two weeks I have have been going to the gym every weeknight and taking the weekends off. I do about 45 minutes of cardio on the elliptical machine and then some arm weights. I tried the bikes but those seats get extremely uncomfortable after 20 minutes and I wanted to work more than my legs when I'm doing cardio.

Exercising is only half of the solution, I also have to eat right. I have been watching what I eat and trying to eat smaller more frequent meals. I start out with a bowl of Kashi instant oatmeal (honey cinnamon yummy) in the morning. I make a small side salad with spinach, romaine lettuce, tomato, shredded cheese and a light dressing for lunch. Along with the side salad I also make a Smart Ones which are surprisingly good plus Target has most of them for $1.99. Dinner consists of either a Smart Ones or I'll grill up some chicken and veggies. I'll have some snack in between meals like Kashi bars and fruit cups. Another thing I'm trying to avoid is soda. I use our Brita filter and fill up a 32 oz nalgene bottle to bring to work. Yeah water does get boring so I purchase some Propel packets to add to my water. The grape flavor tastes just like Kool-Aid.

The reason for doing this you ask.
1. Heart disease runs in my family.
2. I want to be in shape for our trip to Glacier National Park. With all of the hiking we will be doing, I don't want to be exhausted out on the trail.
3. Biking, biking, biking. I want to have a fun biking season. It's not much fun if you are over weight and out of shape.
4. For me.



Aimee said...

Way to go Hun!!
High Five!

Melanie said...

Good Job Mike!

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