I received my certificate for 10 years of dedication working for Best Buy yesterday. It's unbelievable that 10 years ago I was searching for a part time job out of high school. I applied at 3 retailers; Circuit City, Home Depot and Best Buy. Started working part time in the Merch crew at the Woodbury store on April 17th, 1998 ($8.50 and hour, sweet!). Back then Best Buy only had 300 stores and was a 7 billion dollar company. Now we have over 930 Best Buy stores, 51 stores in Canada plus 131 Future Shop stores, 1 store in China and pretty soon stores in Turkey and Mexico! On top of that we are now a 40+ billion dollar company aiming for 80B in 5 years. Back in High School we all had to take that work assessment test and it said I should be a Park Ranger. Sure a Park Ranger would be cool because of the outdoors factor but with the flexibility of my job at Best Buy it gives me the opportunity to enjoy as much of the outdoors as a I want and not have to be on a Park Rangers salary. I really enjoy my role at Best Buy right now because of the people I work with and the position plays to my strengths. So here is to another 10 years!
BTW here is the free gift I picked out.

Ferris Bueller, you're my hero!!!
Congrats Hun!
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