We also picked up a Christmas tree at the local Boyscout troop lot. I think we bought a Fraser Fir. I'm not the greatest at tree identification. Either way I don't think the Boyscout troop will be seeing us next year. They are a little high on the price scale. We really don't have a good place for a Christmas tree in our house. We ended up putting it next to the TV. Aimee got it all decorated and ready for the holiday season. Here are a few pictures.

Looks like we have a few of the same ornaments. Hehe.
Yeah, don't buy a tree through the scout lots...way too expensive! We had so much fun going to a tree farm and cutting one down ourselves. We have a 12 foot tree and paid $30 (and we had a $3.00 off coupon on top of that!)
It's really fun and easy to cut one down. They provide the sawe and they also shake and bail your tree for you. If you need they can help you tie it to the roof of your car as well.
Did you get a big tree? You two have great vaulted ceilings too.
I meant saw not sawe.
We didn't have a spot for a big tree. Not enough room. This one was 7'.
You can cut down any size tree you want. They've got everything from the Charlie Brown tree to something like we've got. And their all pretty much the same price. Spruce is $31.00 and Fir's are $34.00
If it's a douglas fir you can shake its hand and say hello. If it's prickly, then it's not a douglas fir :) It's only polite to introduce yourself to your tree with a friendly handshake :)
Aimee says we have a Fraser Fir. My bad. Its a x-mas tree...that's all that matters to me :)
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