IMDB - The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance (1962) - Hey pilgrim. I finished watching another
John Wayne movie today pilgrim. There were a whole lot of pilgrims in this pilgrim western, pilgrim. So...
The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance, John Wayne was his usual hard ass self as cowboy Tom Doniphon. James Stewart played a wussy lawyer Ransom Stoddard. Stewart's whiny voice is worse than finger nails slowly creeping down a chalkboard.
Lee Marvin played the villain Liberty Valance. Marvin did a great job playing Liberty but you couldn't help think throughout the movie how many times Tom could have pull out his six shooter and wasted Liberty. Over all good movie. I just can't stand James Stewart.
6 out of 10 stars pilgrim
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Howl's Moving Castle (Hauru no ugoku shiro)
I HIGHLY recommend Howl's Moving Castle! Glad to hear you're going to check it out.
Hayao Miyazaki is simply nothing short of a screaming genius!! SIMPLY AMAZING! His best films (in my opinion) are: Spirited Away, Princess Mononoke, and Laputa: Castle in the Sky. All are a must see!
You have just confirmed your nerdiness.
I think you mean AWESOMENESS!! Actually, if it wasn't for Hayao Miyazaki, I probably wouldn't have met Mary. Seriously! But that's a story for a different day.
Also, if you ever go to Japan memrobillia from his movies are EVERYWHERE!! It's insane.
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