Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Lake of the Woods

After arriving at Arnesen's Rocky Point Resort at 11:30am we headed straight out onto the lake even before we got our bags into the cabin. Dad & I got split from the group and ended up fishing with the most redneck hillbilly guys we have ever seen. I don't think one of the guys, who we nicknamed ‘Goober’ had brushed his teeth since 1982. You could see chunks of tobacco oozing from his gums. The best thing to do was just keep quiet and concentrate on the fishing at hand. We ended up with a few walleyes and I caught an eelpout. It seemed that most of the icehouses had some trouble finding some fish. After rolling in around 6pm it was time for some dinner. Some tasty chili subsided my hunger. Then it was off to the bar for some Bulldogs. I personally didn’t care for the Bulldogs because of the way the bartender made them. I don’t know what it was but something just didn’t taste right.

When Saturday rolled around we were out waiting to be taken out to the icehouse at 7am. This time we made sure we could get a 6-man icehouse so we could stay away from the redneck twins. In the morning we caught a couple fish and then the Arnesen guys moved the icehouse to a new location about 100 yards away. After the move we caught 1 more fish so we moved again to another icehouse where we ended up catching nothing for the remainder of the day. Even though we caught nothing it was still fun to hang out, have some beers and enjoy some snowball fights. That night the guys fired up the deep fryers and we cooked up the days catch, which really hit the spot with some freedom frys. Everyone got sucked into a food coma causing us to catch some Z’s at 9:30pm.

After going to bed exhausted the night before we all woke up again to enjoy a new day of fishing. I had hoped they would have moved some of the houses around the night before but they put us back in the same spot we were in the day before and we only caught 3 fish all day. This was the worsted fishing we have had up on Lake of the Woods. The year before we would be coming back with almost a bucket full of fish. Some icehouses did ok and when I say ‘ok’ I mean little more than 10-15 fish. After we got off of the ice it was dinnertime again. This time we had…more fish but with some tots instead of frys. I can’t remember the last time I had tater tots. We ended up at the bar again that night for a couple drinks. I decided on a White Russian instead of a Bulldog, which is basically the same thing without the coke.

Once Sunday arrived we left earlier than we have ever done before. It had snowed the night before about 6 inches and all you saw was a beautiful blanket of snow on all the trees. It looked like something out of a postcard. We all jumped into our trucked for the 7hr drive back home. My iPod saved me from listening to country music all the way home. I can't wait for next year.

Here is the link to all the pictures.

P.S. and yes Corey they are called FRS radios which stands for Family Radio Service & GMRS stands for General Mobile Radio Service :)


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