As if our society couldn't get any lazier. I went to the Minneapolis/St.Paul Airport to help some coworkers with a
Make-A-Wish family and what do I see? I see a police officer on a 3 wheeled Segway going in circles. Now I could totally understand seeing them use the Segways going up and down the terminals but to see them use it in the check-in area? WTF talk about laziness! First off they look like the handicap police squad with their bike helmets on, no one will take them seriously. Second, what a waste of tax payers money. You figure a normal Segway goes for $3K. Now you add additional features, customization and Segway jacking up their prices to sell them to the Government, I wouldn't be surprised that these don't cost (us)$10K. If you want to make sure none of these "
Terrorisers" get on our planes then have some cops with machine guns walking around. Not Timmy the police officer on his little scooter waiting to throw his keys at you!
I didn't know you did Make a Wish?
I don't. I was just helping Becky and Michelle.
hey.. yea so i was readin your comments and they really don't make any sense to me. so i think you guys should get a life. thanks and ahve a bad day. :)
Those are ment for police to be elevated so they can see farther and be up higher then everyone else. They also will help improve response times of police officers and will help them get around. The helmets are for their safety.
^^ nice blog!! thanks a lot! ^^
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