Wednesday, January 23, 2008

We Don't Need No Stinkin' Paper Money

The vending machine company just installed a credit card swiper and pay pass for the vending machines here at work. I have a feeling their business will pick up since a lot of people don't carry cash anymore as we turn into a digital paperless world. I think I'm going to test it out right now.

Speaking of credit cards...why do people still write out check at retail locations? It drives me nuts when I'm behind someone and they break out the ol' check book. I understand maybe writing out a check for a bill to mail-in but come on peeps, get with the times. Step into the NOW. Pretty much every restaurant doesn't take checks these days.



Guacaholic said...

Check kiters write checks. People hoping to float until direct deposit hits write checks. People like my mom, who hates all things digital, write checks.

Captain Random said...

You said it Mike! I can NOT stand it when people write checks while I'm standing behind them in line. What the hell? I'm speechless for how this doesn't make sense.

Also, not to sound like a sexist bastard here, but 90% of the people that do that are women. Check it out next time you see this going down waiting in line.

As for the credit card swiper on the vending machine. Sheer genius! I wish they would have installed those on the vending machines at my last place, and they would have been millionaires. Seriously!

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