Thursday, August 23, 2007

Liking and Disliking

Disliking this weather. Come on now this is getting ridiculous! NO MORE RAIN!

Liking Sara Lee Honey Wheat toast with raspberry jam! Very tasty! Reminds me of when I was young and would spend a few weeks of the summer at my grandparents house.

Disliking not being able to ride my bike because the trails are too muddy and the rain will not stop.

Liking that we will be heading up to Banning State Park on Saturday and the weather looks outstanding.

Disliking all of the grass clippings that are being trampled into the house because they stick to the wet soles of our shoes.

Liking that Northern Exposure is in HD. I love this show!

Disliking work right now. We told the public that we would be out of mail-in rebates over a year ago but the SVP's keep on approving them which means I have to set them up.

Liking that Zoey is past the puppy phase.

Dislikig the "N" key on my work laptop. It doesn't like to work all of the time. nnnnnn

Liking that the powerball is up to $300 million.

Disliking that I will not win that $300 million.

Liking that the football & hockey season will be starting soon. You can only watch baseball for so long. I'm really hoping to go to a Wild game this year.

Disliking that damn Viva Viagra commercial. And you thought the FishPen commercial was bad?

Liking that the State Fair has now officially started. 12 days of non calorie counting, eat off a stick, people watching fun.



Captain Random said...

Good lord that Viagra commercial is terrible!! Talk about not having fun with a product and playing it safe instead. You market sex, people know it and accept it. Have fun with the concept. Instead you make a safe, crappy forgettable commercial. Yuck!

You have marketing execs not wanting to take a risk to thank on that one. Yuck!

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