We wake up the next morning with a flurry of white snow on the ground. We decided to keep warm and head up to Walker to check our Reeds Sporting Goods. By the time we got back quite a few people arrived. We started to gather and chop up some fire wood for the cold night ahead. Some alcoholic beverages were consumed that night.
Next morning (Saturday) we woke up to 24 degrees. At 1pm it was finally warm enough (40 degrees) to play paintball. The cold weather had some effect on the paintballs overnight causing them to create dimples. This causes havoc on the markers because they might burst in the barrel. Luckily I didn't break a ball with my Spyder marker. We only got to play for a few hours before the temps dropped. Once again with nothing to do we decided to enjoy some alcohol. It was a grand ole time around the fire pit with joking and tom foolery coming from every direction. We will have to wait until the 2nd weekend in May for spring paintball. Hopefully it will not be as cold then.

A snowy mess.

The best place to get hit by a paintball. And yes this is me.

The flags of camp CCCP were flying.
Here is a good video of James getting owned by a dead birch tree. Alcohol was a factor.
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