So what do we do you ask? We arrive on a Friday and check into the hotel. After that we usually do some sight seeing, check out the local mall and check out the arena. After that we grab a bite to eat and razz Dosdall 13 or 14 times. Then we get our drink on!! Saturday morning we feel like someone tossed a brick at our face but we shake it off like Kerry Strug. Nothing a couple Tylenols before breakfast wouldn't cure. Then we tool around for a while before heading to dinner and the game. After the game, you guessed it, we drink some more. Then we head home Sunday morning. It's always a good time and great memories.
Heck yeah this is going to rock.
Wish I could join you guys. Minus the razzing, of course.
You will have a blast - I've been to Badger games twice, and they were both awesome times, except for the fact that Badger fans know NOTHING about hockey. When the band plays the "Varsity" song, you may feeel slightly uncomfortable. Cruise the bars on State Street - so much fun!
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