Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Vote Yes

Sorry for the delay of posting up a link to the Arkansas pictures. I have most of them uploaded for your viewing pleasure.
Arkansas Pictures
I also have pictures uploaded from James's Halloween bash last Saturday.
Halloween Pictures
Arkansas Pictures
I also have pictures uploaded from James's Halloween bash last Saturday.
Halloween Pictures
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Home At Last
We got back around 3pm yesterday. The ride home always seems so much faster. Aimee & I had a few hours to relax before bringing Zoey to her dog training class. Damn was it nice to sleep in my own bed last night. I'll have to upload all the pictures to photobucket tonight.
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Bloomington, IL
We have arrived in Bloomington, IL on our first leg of the trip home. We will be leaving tomorrow morning for another 8 hours back home. Here are some random pictures from the trip.
Monday, October 23, 2006
Memphis, TN
We headed down to Memphis, TN earlier this morning to check out what it had to offer. We first checked out Beale St. which was pretty cool as long as you can avoid the bums trying to beg for a dolla'. We had some lunch at the Hard Rock Cafe. Like most Hard Rocks, bad service and OK food. Aimee was talking about the Pea Body Hotel where they let ducks into the lobby fountain to swim around. It was something you don't see everyday so we had to check it out. Then it was off to Graceland...Rather disappointed. Graceland was so damn commericalized that you had to pay $22 bucks per person to just go into the house. If you wanted to do all of the tours it would cost $55 per person which is nuttier than squirrel shit. We just checked out the Graceland wall where everyone who visits writes their name and message on the wall.

The wall that surrounds Graceland. Elvis is dead so live with it.
A close up of the Graceland wall.
Marmaduke, AR
We went over to Marmaduke to visit with Aimee's relatives that the family has not seen in over 16 years. We enjoyed some delicious Arkansas home cookin' and some good Nordmeyer stories. Today we are heading down to Memphis, TN. I'm not sure what we are doing but I'm sure we will hit the tourist traps.

Yes, those are bullet holes.
Sunday, October 22, 2006
Jonesboro, AR
We are finally here in Jonesbore, AR. Yesterday consisted of going to the St.Louis Gateway Arch. Jason got a $323 speeding ticket in Hayti, MO. The local cop said he was doing 58 in a 35 even though Mike's radar detector never went off once and we were following slow traffic through town. Jason had to go into town and post a $203 bond or he would have to go to jail. We all call shenanigans. I bet he could have given the cop a $100 bill and he would have dropped the charge. So note to self, stay away from creepy chain saw massacre type towns.
Some more pics from the road.
I'm in Arkansas....Arkansas.
Some more pics from the road.
Some new tunage on the iPod. Awesome Andrew Bird album.

Saturday, October 21, 2006
Edwardsville, IL
We arrived last night in Edwardsville, IL which is just north east of St.Louis. We had some dinner last night at Shenanigans. The food...not so good. Today we will be stopping in St.Louis to check out the Arch. Then it's off to Jonesboro, AR.
Odd..A guy walking his Alpaca. Don't see that everyday.
16 month old Irish Wolf Hound on his way to Milwaukee for a dog show.
Shenanigans Yeah! But Shenanigans food, BOOOOO!!
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Time for a quick little update.
- Aimee and I are heading to Arkansas tomorrow morning (3:30am). I'll post some pics from the road.
- Zoey has been going to beginner training classes and kicking some puppy ass!
- I'm tired. It's been pretty busy at work.
- Don't forget to check out CaptionIt blog and leave your comments!!
- The registers in the cafeteria at work do not work half the time with credit cards which makes me angry.
- That 70's Show Season 5 is out on DVD and is now in my possession.
- The new JET album Shine On is good.
- There are 5 smashed pumpkins in our neighborhood and we are still 12 days away from Halloween.
- Winterfrost Eclipse mints are very tasty and refreshes my breath with wintery goodness.
- My clothes still smell like a bon-fire from last weekend.
- Going 65mph up the Penn ramp to Best Buy is not always a great idea.
- The Wild are 6 -0 to start the season which makes me a happy Wild fan.
- Milk is always a bad decision.
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Denny Green Explodes
Just incase you haven't seen it. Here's the video of Denny Green pissed off to all hell about the Bears coming back down by 20pts to win in last nights Monday Night football game.
Sunday, October 15, 2006
Frozen Paintball
James and I headed up to Andy's Land in Wilderness Park which is just east the town of Leader, MN. We arrived around 1pm to 30 degree weather and snow which is fine because we have the equipment to camp in this kind of weather plus we brought up a lot of fire wood to keep us warm. After finding out that everyone that was suppose to come up that night wasn't we decided to ditch the cold, head into Leader and check out it's only bar. We walked in and it was like time stood still. All of the locals were just staring at us, Bon Jovi's Wanted Dead or Alive was playing on the jukebox and NASCAR prequilifing racing was on the TV. Basically we were a fish out of water up in their neck of the woods. I was a little disappointed that the bottle beers cost $2.75 each. I would have thought it would have been cheaper considering we are up in the middle of no mans land. After a few beers and playing the little computer game at that bar we headed back to camp. Luckily I had my tent heater and I stayed toasty warm that night. James on the other hand was a little chilly when the mercury dipped down to 28 degrees with winds hauling ass around 30 MPH.
We wake up the next morning with a flurry of white snow on the ground. We decided to keep warm and head up to Walker to check our Reeds Sporting Goods. By the time we got back quite a few people arrived. We started to gather and chop up some fire wood for the cold night ahead. Some alcoholic beverages were consumed that night.
Next morning (Saturday) we woke up to 24 degrees. At 1pm it was finally warm enough (40 degrees) to play paintball. The cold weather had some effect on the paintballs overnight causing them to create dimples. This causes havoc on the markers because they might burst in the barrel. Luckily I didn't break a ball with my Spyder marker. We only got to play for a few hours before the temps dropped. Once again with nothing to do we decided to enjoy some alcohol. It was a grand ole time around the fire pit with joking and tom foolery coming from every direction. We will have to wait until the 2nd weekend in May for spring paintball. Hopefully it will not be as cold then.

A snowy mess.

The best place to get hit by a paintball. And yes this is me.

The flags of camp CCCP were flying.
Here is a good video of James getting owned by a dead birch tree. Alcohol was a factor.
We wake up the next morning with a flurry of white snow on the ground. We decided to keep warm and head up to Walker to check our Reeds Sporting Goods. By the time we got back quite a few people arrived. We started to gather and chop up some fire wood for the cold night ahead. Some alcoholic beverages were consumed that night.
Next morning (Saturday) we woke up to 24 degrees. At 1pm it was finally warm enough (40 degrees) to play paintball. The cold weather had some effect on the paintballs overnight causing them to create dimples. This causes havoc on the markers because they might burst in the barrel. Luckily I didn't break a ball with my Spyder marker. We only got to play for a few hours before the temps dropped. Once again with nothing to do we decided to enjoy some alcohol. It was a grand ole time around the fire pit with joking and tom foolery coming from every direction. We will have to wait until the 2nd weekend in May for spring paintball. Hopefully it will not be as cold then.

A snowy mess.

The best place to get hit by a paintball. And yes this is me.

The flags of camp CCCP were flying.
Here is a good video of James getting owned by a dead birch tree. Alcohol was a factor.
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
I can't wait! Yeah we are going to freeze our titties off but who cares, it's camping and I'm away from work!!
BTW the beer of choice this weekend is Hamm's.
From the Land of Sky Blue Waters,
From the land of pines, lofty balsams,
Comes the beer refreshing,
Hamm's the beer refreshing.
Brewed where nature works her wonders,
Aged for many moons, gently mellowed,
Hamm's the beer refreshing,
Hamm's the beer refreshing.
From across the rippling water,
Through the whisp'ring pines and birches,
Comes the beer refreshing,
Hamm's the beer refreshing.
Comes a call to cool enchantment,
Comes a call to cool refreshment,
Hamm's the beer refreshing,
Hamm's the beer refreshing.
Hints of lakes and sunset breezes,
Dance and sparkle in each glassful,
Hamm's the beer refreshing,
Hamm's the beer refreshing.
I can't wait! Yeah we are going to freeze our titties off but who cares, it's camping and I'm away from work!!
BTW the beer of choice this weekend is Hamm's.
From the Land of Sky Blue Waters,
From the land of pines, lofty balsams,
Comes the beer refreshing,
Hamm's the beer refreshing.
Brewed where nature works her wonders,
Aged for many moons, gently mellowed,
Hamm's the beer refreshing,
Hamm's the beer refreshing.
From across the rippling water,
Through the whisp'ring pines and birches,
Comes the beer refreshing,
Hamm's the beer refreshing.
Comes a call to cool enchantment,
Comes a call to cool refreshment,
Hamm's the beer refreshing,
Hamm's the beer refreshing.
Hints of lakes and sunset breezes,
Dance and sparkle in each glassful,
Hamm's the beer refreshing,
Hamm's the beer refreshing.
Monday, October 09, 2006
Roofin' It
James had the guys over to his place on Saturday to rip the shingles off the roof of his house. I can officially check off roofer as being a profession I do not want pursue in my future. Muscles I didn't even know I had hurt two days after. I am very thankful I have a desk job. The best part was getting done and having some tasty Sloppy Joes that Liz made from scratch. Plus she made them extra sloppy! About 30 minutes after we got done with the roof a white van that said 'Computer Repair' pulled up into the driveway with it's side mirror duct taped on and then 6 Mexicans popped out. Not even 45 minutes in to the job they had the roof papered and ready for shingles. After the whole roofing experience we all went home to rest up before going down the street to Carbone's Pizza Bar & Grill for the Wild game. GO WILD! 2 and 0 baby!! A couple glasses of Newcastle Brown Ale and greasey pizza hit the spot.
Thursday morning James & I will be taking the H-Bomb up to Andys Land (which is just north of Motley) for paintball. It's looking REALLY chilly with a high on Thursday of 38 degrees! But that's ok because we will be drunk and not feel a thing (until morning). Plus I have my 0* bag and a heater for the tent. It should be a fun weekend of paintball.
Thursday morning James & I will be taking the H-Bomb up to Andys Land (which is just north of Motley) for paintball. It's looking REALLY chilly with a high on Thursday of 38 degrees! But that's ok because we will be drunk and not feel a thing (until morning). Plus I have my 0* bag and a heater for the tent. It should be a fun weekend of paintball.
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Badger Hockey Weekend Is Set!!

So what do we do you ask? We arrive on a Friday and check into the hotel. After that we usually do some sight seeing, check out the local mall and check out the arena. After that we grab a bite to eat and razz Dosdall 13 or 14 times. Then we get our drink on!! Saturday morning we feel like someone tossed a brick at our face but we shake it off like Kerry Strug. Nothing a couple Tylenols before breakfast wouldn't cure. Then we tool around for a while before heading to dinner and the game. After the game, you guessed it, we drink some more. Then we head home Sunday morning. It's always a good time and great memories.
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
T-storm Warning
I would like to thank the great city of Apple Valley for running their panic sirens for a little thunderstorm warning at 10:30pm last night. They didn't seem to run the sirens when 1-2" hail was barreling down on Apple Valley/Lakeville area last month but if someone is pissing outside you have to wake up the whole neighborhood with your alarm. Could you please look at the weather map before interrupting our sleep and television stations with your warnings. It's easy, anyone can do it, just go to Weather.com or Wunderground.com. If you see a big red blob heading towards Apple Valley, that is bad. If you see light green speckles across the map then hit the snooze on that siren system.
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Urban Dictionary Word'O'Day
Urban Dictionary Word'O'Day
1. Vafanculo
This is the Italian F-bomb. Literally means to go take it in the ass. If administered correctly, it can leave the opposition in complete shock and awe. It also helps to make the Italian gesture that is synonymous with this expression, which is to put one hand in between the bicep and forearm of the other arm and to raise that arm with the palm of that hand towards yourself. Extremely effective to those who understand it.
Tommy Salami: Ay, Tony, wheis duh fuckin money you owe me from duh ting at duh place wit dat guy dee odduh day?
Tony Rigatoni: Vafanculo.
Tommy Salami: ........
1. Vafanculo
This is the Italian F-bomb. Literally means to go take it in the ass. If administered correctly, it can leave the opposition in complete shock and awe. It also helps to make the Italian gesture that is synonymous with this expression, which is to put one hand in between the bicep and forearm of the other arm and to raise that arm with the palm of that hand towards yourself. Extremely effective to those who understand it.
Tommy Salami: Ay, Tony, wheis duh fuckin money you owe me from duh ting at duh place wit dat guy dee odduh day?
Tony Rigatoni: Vafanculo.
Tommy Salami: ........
Sunday, October 01, 2006
Halloween Costume

We arrived at Ragstock and damn this place smells like old sweaty gym socks. They need to get a plug-in or twelve for this stink zone. I really wanted a red suit but unless I ordered one I don't think I will find one anywhere used. I ended up with a light blue suit which I couldn't go wrong for $15. I just need a white turtleneck and I'm set. Andy ended up with a grey suit & a sweet vest to go along with the ensemble. Now we just need to convince Corey to be Champ Kind. All he would need is a $15 Ragstock suit and a cowboy hat. If anyone finds some size 12 white loafers, let me know.