Let take a look back at this great decade.
The first MP3 player was created in the 90's called the MPMan F10. It didn't go over so well but as you can see today Mp3 players are extremely popular. Just recently iTunes had surpassed Best Buy in music market share.
Pagers, or sometimes called a beepers, were all the rage. You know you had one and you would sneek it into school like the bad ass you are. As if someone is going to need to contact you at school. Everyone knows where you are at. Now all of the kiddies have their blue tooth cellphones with text messaging. BFFL <33
The Internet. Chat rooms were all the craze back then. I remember logging on all the time back in high school. Sad...really sad.
The Seattle Sound, grunge was in and glam was out. Alice in Chains, Sound Garden, Nirvana, and Pearl Jam. Everyone musician flocked to Seattle with their flannel shirts in hope to make it big. Now the "Hip Hop" has taken its place and that makes me cry.
The Real World rocks your world on MTV and you couldn't get enough of it. Now MTV plays shitty reality TV 24 hours a day and now you wonder what happened to the 'Music' in TV. Reality TV killed the Music Video star.
Extreme sports! EXTREME!!! Thanks to Dan Cortese of MTV sports viewers were introduced to the most extreme sports which are now tamer than some Disneyland rides. Snowboarding EXTREME! Rugby EXTREME! Bungee jumping EXTREME! Rock climbing SUPER EXTREME!!11one
Sagging...don't know what sagging is? Sagging is a style worn by teenage and young men in which their shorts, jeans or pants are worn low, usually below their hips and sometimes under their buttocks as well depending on the sagger. Just head down to you local mall and you can see this in action.
With the birth of Goth/Industrial bands such as Nine Inch Nails & Marilyn Manson, black came back. Black painted finger nails, black hair, black baggy wide JNCO pants, piercing, and a Teletubbies t-shirt. You HAD to express how 'different' you were even though another 50 people in your class wore the same fashion.
I'm proud to report some of the best cartoons came out of the 90's. The Simpson’s (89'), Beavis and Butthead, South Park, King of the Hill and Family Guy (99'). 4 out of those 5 are still on the air with new episodes today.
Check out some more 90's facts at Wikipedia.org.
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
What I Am Listening To
No art cover for this album. I made a High School playlist with songs from 1997 and ealier. So a little Sublime, Live, Nirvana, Pearl Jam, Aerosmith, Soundgarden, Mötley Crüe....etc. This playlist has around 500 songs and kicks some 90's A$$.
To quote my homie Snoop Doggy Dog.
"Fallin' back on that ass, with a hellified gangsta lean.
Gettin' funky on the mic like a ol' batcha' collard greens.
It's the capital S, oh yes I'm fresh, N double-O PD O double-G Y, D O double-G, ya see.
Showin' much flex when it's time to wreck a mic.
Pimpin' hoes and clockin' a grip like my name was Dolomite"
To quote my homie Snoop Doggy Dog.
"Fallin' back on that ass, with a hellified gangsta lean.
Gettin' funky on the mic like a ol' batcha' collard greens.
It's the capital S, oh yes I'm fresh, N double-O PD O double-G Y, D O double-G, ya see.
Showin' much flex when it's time to wreck a mic.
Pimpin' hoes and clockin' a grip like my name was Dolomite"
Monday, February 25, 2008
Sayonara Charter Communications...
...and don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way out. Dish Network installed our satellite dish today. More HD channels, HD DVR with dual tuner and it has a HDMI output. So for all of you still using Charter (coughJasoncough) or MediaCom (coughMikecough), let me know when you want to switch over to the darkside. Also when they install the dish, it connects to your existing cables. Did I mention more HD channels?
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Puppy Sitting
Aimee is puppy sitting a 14 week old Irish Terrier, Lucy, owned by a client at her work. Zoey and Lucy have been playing like crazy all weekend. They play then sleep, play then sleep. I forgot what a pain it was when they are puppies. You have to watch them like a hawk so they are not chewing on your items or about the use your floor as a toilet. luckily Lucy is close to being potty trained so she will go to the door when she feels the urge.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Monday, February 18, 2008
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Buffalo Blah Wings
Buffalo Wild Wings is starting to go down hill. I remember going there 7-8 years ago and their wings were a rockin'. Aimee and I went there tonight and we both had the boneless wings...they tasted so blah. This is the second time in a row I was sorely disappointed with BW3's food. The boneless wings tonight tasted like they sat under a heat lamp for 20 minutes and the medium sauce had absolutely no flavor. BW3's was a bad decision which I regretted afterwards. Also their wings have shrunk in size. They use to have some really good large wings. Now the wings look like something you would find at your local grocery stores frozen food section. Also what happened to $.25 Tuesday wing night? I saw a sign that said it is now $.40 cents. Lame! Even on a Sunday at 7:00pm the place was packed. The next time I think about going to Bw3's I'll have to think again.
Thursday, February 07, 2008
What I Am Listening To
Tuesday, February 05, 2008
Down With The Sickness
I'm sick. Little cough, throat, runny noise cold thang. I don't get sick very often. The last time I remember getting sick (that was not alcohol induced) was June of 2005 on the way back from my Sister's wedding in Arizona. I was feeling better yesterday but today I hit a road block. I'm stuffy, coughy and sneezy.
Saturday, February 02, 2008
Son of a Biscuit!
This is not the way I wanted to start off my day.
I wake up around 8:30 am and 5 minutes later the carbon monoxide detector goes off. I run down stairs and remove the batteries so I can move the detector to a different location. 5 minutes later it goes off again. I give Center Point Energy a call and they said they will send someone out to take a look. I gather up the dog & cat and put them in the Cherokee. I figure it will be about 15-20 minutes before they show up. I head over to the BK Lounge for some breakfast. What I wanted was 2 sausage, egg and cheese croissants. What I received and must have ordered was 2 sausage, egg and cheese biscuits. I get home and the Center Point Energy guy shows up. He checks out the place and all is good. It's more than likely the detector is bad. So it's time to bring the pets back in the house. As I am bringing the cat back in she started to freak out and using her back claws tries to jump away from me. In the process of this happening the cat rips a 1 inch cut in to my new Marmot down jacket. Son of a BITCH! Frickin' A!
Me not so happy.
I wake up around 8:30 am and 5 minutes later the carbon monoxide detector goes off. I run down stairs and remove the batteries so I can move the detector to a different location. 5 minutes later it goes off again. I give Center Point Energy a call and they said they will send someone out to take a look. I gather up the dog & cat and put them in the Cherokee. I figure it will be about 15-20 minutes before they show up. I head over to the BK Lounge for some breakfast. What I wanted was 2 sausage, egg and cheese croissants. What I received and must have ordered was 2 sausage, egg and cheese biscuits. I get home and the Center Point Energy guy shows up. He checks out the place and all is good. It's more than likely the detector is bad. So it's time to bring the pets back in the house. As I am bringing the cat back in she started to freak out and using her back claws tries to jump away from me. In the process of this happening the cat rips a 1 inch cut in to my new Marmot down jacket. Son of a BITCH! Frickin' A!
Me not so happy.