Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Random Crap

Aimee & I went to Chicago last weekend. Everytime I go there I rejoice knowing that I live in MN. I'm sorry to all the Chicagoans but most of the suburbs are dumps. My cats litter box is cleaner than most of Chicago.

The Yankee's once again failed to $buy$ their way to a World Series Championship. Thank god becuase I HATE the Yanks. Like Herb always said, "The players had big egos...That's why all-star teams traditionally seem to self-destruct. We didn't."

Hockey has begun. Wild are 2-0. Go Wild!!

We had to buy a new washer & dryer. BOOO! The old washer went out, I think it was the transmission. I would have preferred that the dryer gone out since it was a cheap POS, then we would have only bought a new dryer. My whites have never been whiter.

It has been hard to get back in to the swing of things at work after the Moab trip. Then people are setting up meetings at 4-5pm. WTF people. As D.J. Tanner would say, "That's just rude!".

Winter is just around the corner which is my favorite season. It's only my favorite when there is snow on the ground otherwise it's depressing looking at the brown grass. Time to break out the sweaters and jackets.

That's all I've got right now.



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