Time for me to update this blog.
At the beginning of August Aimee, Heidi and I went on a family vacation along with my parents and their good friends, Jim and Jill. We stayed a week at
Aspen Resort on Pelican Lake in Orr, MN. I have been coming up to Pelican Lake since I was about 13 or 14 years old and it is turning into a vacation tradition every 2 years. It's a beautiful lake with lots of wildlife and great fishing. One morning I was fishing and I was surrounded by 6 Loons and every day you would see a few Bald Eagles perching in the tree tops or circling around in the sky. And yes there are Pelicans at Pelican Lake. If the beauty of this lake still exists 35 years from now, I would retire here.
There are 12 or so resorts on Pelican Lake but what is nice about Aspen Resort is that it is the only one with a pool and very kid friendly. Why do you need a pool on a lake you ask? 65% of the lake is less than 10 feet so their are a lot of weeds and they grow tall and thick. The only beach is on the south side of the lake. Heidi got to go swimming in a pool for the first time and loved it. She also liked to go on the swing which turned into a new word for her, "Wee-Wee". No it's not a bathroom code. When we pushed her we would say, "Weeeee....Weeeeee....".
First lesson learned. Close the bathroom doors.

We stayed in the Blue Heron cabin. It's a 3 bedroom 2 bath cabin. Personally I thought it was a little small. It did have air conditioning which was a life saver at the beginning of the week.

Ducks and a lot of them. The dock boys have been feeding them since they were ducklings so they keep coming back every year. Heidi liked to chase after them and say "quack quack".


Heidi enjoying a dip in the pool with Mommy. Another bonus to the pool is that it tires a little toddler out.


Sunrise. I got out on the water everyday at 5:30am so I could fish for a few hours and then get back to spend time with my two ladies.

Pelicans enjoying the sunrise too.

A loon in the morning. I wish I had a 400mm lens for some closer shots.

The fishing was great. Lots of nothern pike, smallmouth and largemouth bass. The panfish were hard to find. Pelican Lake is known for its large bluegill but it has been over fished the past few years. They tend to run in cycles and this was a down year for them. There are large walleye in this lake if you want to hunt for them but I didn't feel like wasting hours on catching one.

I'm on a boat! Heidi's first boat ride. She seemed to like it even with the PFD on.

The rest of the pictures can been seen
HERE. I would really like to make this a yearly trip if possible. If not we will be back up in a couple years.